Equity Management

Equity Management is a part of our Portfolio Management Service. Our Investment Team uses metrics such as sector-relative valuation, earnings quality, and earnings momentum – all fundamental stock characteristics – to attempt to uncover securities with the maximum return potential. Based on these metrics, we position portfolios to achieve what we believe is the best risk/return potential, while proprietary risk models seek to maintain an acceptable level of risk relative to a stated benchmark. A flexible framework allows this approach to be applied across the capitalization spectrum, delivering strategies to a client base of varying investment objectives, guidelines, and risk tolerances. These strategies endeavor to navigate the dynamic nature of equity markets, seeking to perform well against their benchmarks in various environments.

Our equity management approach is characterized by several compelling factors.

  • A consistent, value-driven discipline informs buy and sell decisions. A relentless pursuit of value, combined with a focus on controlling risk, uncovers promising potential -- what we call "investing with a margin of safety."
  • Our team culture and our collaborative decision-making process support dynamic information exchange and knowledge sharing on securities, markets, and investment opportunities -- intelligence we bring to our clients as well as to the management of their assets.
  • Our independence clarifies our thinking, frees us from the arbitrary benchmarks that potentially can limit creativity and empowers us to act with absolute objectivity in support of our clients' needs.
  • Our rigorous research process is critical to our pursuit of value, as it surfaces many of the issues that can compromise the worth of our investments.
  • Our adherence to the concept of "balanced diversity," rather than "diversity for diversity's sake," allows our clients to take material positions in select companies, enhancing the potential impact of each investment we make.
  • Our size enhances our ability to take positions in a wider universe of securities than large money managers.